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Fights will occur in the CryptoChampion Arena. The Champion who defeats the other first is the winner!
The fight is completely automated and based on a Champion's Stats, Pets, Abilities, and Weapons. The only option you decide on is selecting your opponent.
During the fight, your stats and weapons are compared and tested against the opposing Champion and his or her pets. Depending on your stats, and global probabilities, you will win or lose the fight. But don't worry! Fighting higher-level champions will give you more XP points and rewards, even if you lose.
You will be able to follow your journey through the leaderboard. Your global trophies will increase while you are fighting in the arena. The leaderboard will list the Champions and players' ranks separately.
Once a week, you can participate in the club's tournaments. You will be able to fight other random teams in a row. If you manage to win, then you go a step ahead. It will increase your rank, and unlock rewards, so don't miss playing the tournaments!
3v3 modes (Coming soon): You will soon be able to play with your club/friends together in 3 vs 3 fights.
Winning ranked fights will grant you trophies and will make you grow on the ladder, showing others who is the most respectful Champion. (Ps: NFTs champions will get extra rewards!)
Your Champion fights against the others, using the below effects:
Attack: standard attack: a fist or weapon into your opponent.
Steal: Stealing a weapon can be done using the robber's ability. This ability allows you to discreetly steal your enemy's weapon and use it against him. This spell can be activated randomly multiple times in one round, against any weapon.
Block: Block incoming damage. Blocking is when you stop an enemy's attack so that you don't take damage. If you have a shield in your weapon inventory, it will be added in addition to your current weapon and will increase your chances of blocking.
Dodge: Avoids incoming damage.
Counter: Attacks an enemy as they try to get close. Having luck increases the chance of countering your opponent.
Counter-attack: Attacks an enemy after they've tried to hit you.
Disarm: You have a chance to disarm your opponent, by taking his weapon.
Throw: Weapons can be thrown in rage, and deal additional damage to the opposing brute.
Discard: Weapons can be discarded when your Champion tires off them. This usually indicates that they are selecting a new weapon.
Heal: Having the health potion item allows you to drink a potion to restore some health.
Adding spells on top of all that, and you'll have a very strong Champion!